Wheat Grass Health Information

Wheat Grass Powder 
GL Green life LLC wheat grass is one of the most nutritional food in this world.
Our GL Green life LLC wheat grass grows in the sun-flooded soil rich in mineral substance and irrigated with natural underground water. It is harvested and squeezed for juice when its nutritive value is at the highest level. The juice will then be frozen and dried to preserve its maximum active substance (e.g. active enzyme).
GL Green life LLC wheat grass is not only rich in natural phytonutrients, antioxidant, chlorophyll, zinc and other mineral substance, various amino acid and vitamin, but also rich in protein and carbohydrate that is necessary to human body. It is all well-proportioned with calcium and magnesium.
GL Green life LLC wheat grass is the best nourishment that facilitates the growth and development of children. Rich in amino acid that is necessary to human body, it guarantees that children grow up healthy and happy.


Why Wheat Grass is So Powerful?

  • Its nutrient is easily absorbing.
  • It is rich in mineral substance.
  • Not including any additive, preservative and sugar.
  • Has the function of detoxifying, discharging toxin, antioxidant and anti-aging.

30 gram/package (30 times)
Usage: use one ounce of water to dilute one gram of wheat grass powder. Wheat grass powder can also be mixed with fruit juice and protein drinks. Take once in the morning and once in the afternoon.


How Much GL Green life LLC Wheat Grass is Appropriate?

To a healthy adult, one gram of wheat grass is suggested to be taken each day, at least once every day. If you are sick, we suggest that you take more. The more serious your illness is, the more you should take to absorb more nutrition to fight illness. We suggest that you take a little bit more each week until you feel better.

Children under the age of 4, 1/8 to 1/4 gram. Children aged from 4 to 14 should double the amount, the nutrient of which equals that of 1.5 pound fresh fruits. The founder of Hippocrates health research institute Doctor Ann Wigmore believes that the nutrient of 1 pound fresh wheat grass equals that of 25 pound fresh vegetables.


Does GL Green life LLC Wheat Grass Have Side Effects?

Taking GL Green life LLC wheat grass is like eating vegetables, active enzyme, chlorophyll, vitamin and microelement. The nutrient in green vegetables can discharge the toxin in the blood system and adipose cell of human body.

Those who initially consume GL Green life LLC wheat grass, especially those with low dietary quality, can have this clearing reaction. Most of the reactions are very light and basically not felt. Some people also feel increased intestinal peristalsis, mild headache, muscle pain and itchy skin.


If I Am Allergic to Wheat Bran, Can I Still Take Wheat Grass?

GL Green life LLC does not contain wheat bran that might cause allergy, so people who are allergic to wheat bran can take it too. Wheat bran exists in kernel, however, wheat grass is harvested before kernel is formed. If you are allergic to wheat bran and flour, GL Green life LLC wheat grass will not affect you in the slightest.


True Success Comes from True Person

It is crucial to consume food with digestive enzyme or take digestive enzyme directly, for it can help resolve protein, fat, carbohydrate or fiber so that our body can take in nutrient substance more effectively. Enzyme convert food into the energy needed by the body. Raw diet contains more enzyme than that of cooked food, so you have to consume a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables. Taking various vitamin and mineral mixture (GL Green life LLC wheat grass is rich in nutrition ingredient and active enzyme) is not a bad option, because most of the food we consumed is processed and whereupon nutrition ingredient is lost. In addition to these, exercise is one of the best natural recipes to supplement energy. In order to achieve optimal health, exercise at least 2 to 3 times a week. Some people think that this means sweating for hours in the gym, which is not necessarily the case. Exercise intensity is the key, not the time! Let your body get a few 20-30 minutes of intensity-appropriate exercise in a week, rest during interval, and restore the body, this is enough! One-third of the energy in the body is used only for digestion and detoxification. Avoid eating solid foods within 24 hours. You only need to take in liquids (such as water and fresh organic juices). This will allow your body to rest temporarily and protect your energy from disease, eliminate toxins, etc., and you will feel energized and refreshed.


Gaining More Strength

  • Relieving your fatigue at maximum
  • Recharge your body and improve your sleep
  • Improve your physique through strengthening your blood system


Improving Your Health

  • Generating new red cell, regularly adjusting blood pressure, helpful to regulate blood sugar
  • Helpful to lose weight naturally
  • Improve digestion and detox process
  • Improve your skin, tooth, eyes, muscle, joint and keep it healthy
  • Strengthen the function of heart, liver, intestinal tract, lung and reproductive organ
  • Helpful to cure infection, scar, anabrosis of skin or mouth interior


Boost Energy

  • Increase the oxygen content in blood system, slow down the aging process of cells
  • Keep head clear, loosen your nerve (amino acide)
  • Discharge the toxin in human body
  • Helpful to repair DNA naturally
  • Improve immune system – strengthen the defensive mechanism of human body
  • Cancer resistance


GL Green Life LLC Wheat grass is hand-finished from the start of planting to the completion of the wheat grass juice powder with the best nutrition. It is made from the best organic seeds, grown in deep soil with rich organic minerals, under pure groundwater irrigation and natural sunlight. Each blade of grass is hand-picked in its most nutritious state and is carefully selected and washed with cool drilling water before juicing.

GL Green Life LLC Wheat grass uses vacuum freeze-drying technology to maximize its nutrients, vitamins and active enzymes. All of this adds to the purity of organic wheat grass, providing us with vital enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, etc., bringing us vitality and health.

GL Green Life LLC wheat grass tastes like fresh wheat grass juice, saving you the trouble of planting and juicing, providing you with extraordinary and pure organic wheat grass juice.